Post Retirement life: Second Inning of Life

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What is Retirement ?

The action or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.

What are the 3 Types of Retirement?

  • Traditional retirement.
  • Semi-retirement.
  • Temporary retirement.

What are the 4 pillars of retirement?

The overwhelming majority of retirees say that all four pillars may be counted as—

  1. Health
  2. family
  3. Purpose
  4. Finances

These are the essentials to optimize the well-being in retirement life.

What are the five stages of retirement?

The journey through the 5 stages of retirement

  • Stage 1: Pre-retirement
  • Stage 2: The honeymoon phase.
  • Stage 3: Disenchantment.
  • Stage 4: Re-orientation and finding yourself.
  • Stage 5: Stability.

Lets understand these phases:

Pre-Retirement is a phase where a lot of amalgamation of thoughts and complex structure of future planning occurs. A sense of mixed thoughts occupy the mind of retirees. There is a sense of feeling of missing out some purpose and haste of future planning.

The honeymoon phase is a sense of relaxation that will gradually precipitate and will make a retiree negative in his approach and less sense of logic as a result one will turn into a obsolete personality. A person should force himself out of this phase.

Disenchantment is a sense of isolation from the day to day that will make a person a poor decision maker and cut off from the society affecting your health too.

Next Stage is Reorientation and finding your true self. Retired persons should reset their mind or orientation. One should try to get true meaning of day to day life. A healthy regime of routine must be inculcated in self.

Last Stage after reorientation should be a vision for long life so one must have a purpose zeroed in that helps in identifying your true self.

Your Second inning is all about identifying your true self. You must have attainment of purpose of the life and one must fulfill that purpose.

What is your preparation for your performance in this inning?

Lets talk about some prepositions.

  • Let’s embrace the truth that your second inning has begun.
  • Try to rebuild your personality around your new found reality.
  • One must recognize his Personalty Traits.

Process of padding up your self for the new inning of Life

  • Get rid of shadow of your previous job

Retirees should carve themself out of the pre-existing negativity and pull down peer group wrong mentality clutches.

  • Try to detoxify your self and unlearn all the negativity.

Retirees must learn life changing health improving life practices like Yoga, Laughing Therapy, Walking. One must instill the habit of READING to get a new vision of life. Observe the UPVAAS from the mobile.Update your self with surrounding.

Books to read- An Autobiography of a yogi, Sri Bhagwat Geeta, A monk who sold his ferrari, the Alchmist, Ikigai, Many Lives many masters.

Movies to watch: The intern, a million dollar baby, The God father, Avatar (Hindi) and many more.

  • Identify a PURPOSE of Life

Be constructive – Ignore the gossips of retirement stereotypes. Always be a part of constructive crowd comprising young people. Avoid the people who make you feel old.

Be spiritual. Meditation is must that will keep you focused and young.

Be Curious. Develop an eye for observation and absorption. Try to travel with life partner.

Be productive for society.

Be Childish. One should try to develop a flair of reading and writing.

Be a YOGI. Try to turn Spiritual and learn with authentic trainers of meditation

Varnashram System of Hindu Culture has taught us that last quarter of Life must be devoted to the society it is the time to give back what you have taken from the society. Make your self revolutionary in your purpose. Associate yourself with a cause that could change the face of society.

  • Be A Entrepreneur 

Learn some business, engage in any business activity that can rejuvenate your mind cells. Make acquaintances with the modern APP Age.

Read and Share the new technological innovations.

Identify your speciality, try to remember your basic virtues like Expertise in mathematics, yoga practice, Negotiation Skills, Poetry writing, Prose writing, Literature reading and writing.

One can create the YouTube Channel or website or telegram channel for showcasing his skills.

  • Remember your Age

Remember  that age is just a number mental conditioning may keep you fit atleast for 50 years more. KFC founder has created his fried chicken at the age of 75 after his struggle in most of his life. We have example of Joe Biden, President of USA who is also playing his second inning at the age of 80 similarly Mr. Donald Trump is still fighting it out at the age of 76. Film Industry Icon Mr. Amitabh Bachchan himself become a millionaire after the retirement age.

This part of life is very crucial you have to play this inning in full throttle.

Retirement is the best phase of life when one can evolve yourself. Plan, Strategize and rediscover your true self without any fear of peoples judgements. It is a second inning where you can not let yourself down. Cheer up.

Retirement is the best phase of life when one can evolve yourself. Plan, Strategize and rediscover your true self without any fear of peoples judgements. It is a second inning where you can not let yourself down. Cheer up.

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