Letters from the Father: First Birthday
My Son, Raghav blessings, You are too young, my son, it is your first years after your birth. It is your world. Your eyes are too small to see this world. Your eyes are however seeing this world in a different perspective. Your eyes are twinkling. You look at things that are talking to you.…
Post Retirement life: Second Inning of Life
Retirement is the best phase of life when one can evolve yourself. Plan, Strategize and rediscover your true self without any fear of peoples judgements. It is a second inning where you can not let yourself down. Cheer up.
We are cruxfox
In this fast changing world, we provide you the gist of all latest news, information and all that is touching your life. We are constantly improving ourselves for serving better perspective of all the news and information. We analyse, research, discover, dig, adopt and many times broadcast the information and news for your better understanding…
Best Hindi Novels: Must read books
We often think that which are the best hindi novels. If one wants to indulge in true and mesmerising taste of hindi story tellers, one must read the following novels. It is guaranteed that if you will start from first page you will end up read it till the end. Here are most loved and…